💌 Newsletter

Let’s Connect!


Have a question or want to collaborate? 

Use this form for speaking requests, podcast invitations, or media interviews. 


I'd love to hear from you!

I have openings for 1-1 transformational coaching/ personal sessions for self-development purposes (not therapy) and provide consultation for therapists and healers.

Please inquire if you feel called.


 My psychotherapy practice is currently full. 

If you're experiencing a psychiatric emergency, please call 911, 1-888-NYC-WELL (within the 5 boroughs of NYC), 1-800-273-TALK (nationwide), or go directly to your nearest emergency room.

I don't administer psychoactive substances or provide referrals to underground practitioners. If you are looking for psychedelic-assisted clinical research trials, search here.


Let's Stay in Touch!

Sign up here for invites, inspiration and more. 

I won't sell or share your info with anyone.