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I've been a seeker my whole life.



It just took a debilitating illness to discover the inner healing potential that I believe is available to all of us.


For over 25 years, I've worked to alchemize the lessons from my own initiations and turn them into potent medicine.


I've worn many hats along the way, but the common thread is that I'm a steady guide for people ready to walk through the fire of transformation. 


I'll only invite you to explore things I'm willing to do myself. But be warned! I've done some pretty wild things in the service of my awakening. 

10 Things To Know About Me...

1. I believe in miracles. 

Having had a few (and witnessed many) myself, I've come to expect them. As Einstein said, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”


2. I don’t do one-size-fits-all.  

A brilliant friend once said "what keeps me sober could get you drunk." I'm passionate about sharing tools and ideas that I’ve personally used and believe in. But I don't presume to know what will work best for you. There's no one right way to live/heal/play/pray. Thank goddess!  


3. I take play seriously. 

If it's not fun, don't do it. If you must do it, make it fun! I approve of all emotions. This isn't about bypassing anything. It's about deciding what kind of player I want to be inside the game of life.


4. I love to nerd out.

It’s no wonder glasses are my signature accessory! While I can’t do much about my eyesight, it’s my insight that I’m constantly honing. Even as a professor, I’m forever a student.


5. I thrive with an invisible illness.

I understand the pain of navigating chronic health challenges. I’ve had multiple surgeries and umpteen interventions of all kinds over the years. While I don’t let my diagnoses define me, there's no doubt my healing journey has shaped who I am and how I show up in the world.


6. I embrace contradictions.

Astrologers have told me it's due to my Saturn-Jupiter conjunction? Whatever the reason, I gravitate towards things that might not appear to go together. Like I once went from an all-day meditation retreat straight to a NYC dance club and had to check my meditation cushion with my coat at the door. An either/or life feels limiting, and I find freedom in the vastness of the both/and.


7. I'm non-linear.

 It took a while, but I've come to appreciate the ups and downs, twists and turns, spirals, circles, and waves that are unavoidable on the path of transformation. If you spend any time with me, you can expect a meandering story! But I promise I always come back after taking a detour or going on a side quest.


8. I don't believe practice makes perfect.

I trust that on some cosmic level we’re already perfect. But it’s still a good idea to have a practice. I love my rituals, retreats, and wacky routines. But I don't do any of it "perfectly" or in order to become "perfect." The work is messy as hell, and I don't trust anyone who acts like it isn't.


9. I'm pretty sure love is the message.

It’s also the name of one of my favorite songs. Dance is my direct line to god/universal intelligence/spirit/the mystery. Or what I call “love” for short. I tend to think that awakening to love is what this whole trip is all about. And when I forget, I pray with my feet and I'm reminded that Love saves the day.


10. I’ve studied, (and even lived with), some of the world’s most renowned theorists, practitioners, and spiritual teachers.

And here’s the secret: they don't have all the answers. Like Ram Dass said, we're all just walking each other home. Experts, mentors and guides are great (I have a whole team)! But the Truth isn’t out there somewhere, but inside YOU.

 We are the dreamers of the dreams.

Somatic, energetic, & spiritual practices to support your awakening.


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Monthly Musings 

From my  heart to yours.
